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Dump yEnc attachments to file will save binary attachments automatically "on the fly" to a folder of your choice. If you enable this checkbox you should also set a file path by clicking on the button below. Once you start reading messages with yEnc attachments, the attachments will be saved to this folder you have selected. Currently this option allows saving only yEnc single and multipart attachments. Other types of encoding may be supported in future versions of yDecode.
Caching and Multipart handling options cannot be changed while the program is downloading the data from
the newsgroups and it is enabled automatically once the download is complete.
Multipart handling option simplifies downloading multipart posts. Before this option you would rely on multipart combining abilities of your news client. With Get multipart as single option checked, you can now download all parts of any multipart post by simply selecting to download only the first (detected) part of such multipart post.
yDecode also detects if multipart post is incomplete or damaged. You can choose the way how yDecode will handle all such cases by selecting one of three options:
- do not download - yDecode will not try to download all available parts when you choose to download first (detected) part of multipart post in your news reader. Choosing to download any other part of such multipart posts will send an error message instead of complete article to your newsreader. This allows fast and easy way of downloading only complete multipart posts when, e.g., synchronizing messages in your news client, and saves you the trouble of downloading unwanted parts that cannot be correctly combined anyway.
- ask every time - yDecode will ask you each time if you want to download all available parts. If you answer "NO" only selected part (article) will be downloaded. NOTE: You do not have to answer "YES" for each part of one such multipart post, as you will then download all available parts more than once.
- treat all as single - any incomplete or damaged multiparts are treated as single articles and downloaded as such. In other words, it will behave just like multipart option was disabled if multipart is incomplete.
NOTE: For proper Multipart handling, please make sure your news client downloads as much headers as possible. For Outlook Express / Windows Mail users: - go to Tools menu and select Options. Make sure option "Get 300 headers at a time" is UNCHECKED under "Read" tab. Take a look at the screenshot below to see how to uncheck this.

Windows Mail screenshot follows.

NOTE: For incomplete or damaged multipart posts where the first part is missing, your news client will display a random text rather than some sort if indicator (e.g. paperclip in OE) that would indicate an attachment. Such posts are mostly useless.
NOTE: Due to lack of standards for multipart posts, yDecode multipart detection scheme relies solely on markings in the subject of a multipart post itself, as well as its position in such multipart post, so it is in no way perfect and most reliable way of detecting and combining multiparts (e.g. article subjects may be incorrect or incomplete). Regardless of all this, yDecode will try its best to detect if a post is multipart or not and this detection has been tested on a number of posts on various newsgroups so in most cases it will be successful.
NOTE: Demo version has some limitations in yEnc decoding and multipart download (multipart recognition and download will NOT work on any yEnc posts in DEMO version). In order to
remove these limitations, please register and purchase full version.
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